Sunday, February 1, 2009

Decision Part II

Okay, so it's not "tomorrow" as mentioned in the last entry.  I was detained from my blogging.  But, here is the continuation of the saga of the new RC (race committee) boat for PMYC (Port Madison Yacht Club).

The morning following the search committee's meeting I perused craigslist to see what I could find that met, or at least approached, the criteria to which we'd all agreed.  In fact, what I found was a 17' Arima, much like the boat we'd discussed heavily the previous eve (though a slightly different model).  Not only that, but it was for less than half of our budget! (Look at Thrifty Geoff!)  

I passed along the link to the committee, as a "jumping off place" with my actual hope being that it would fit the bill accomplishing a few things:
  • Saving thousands of dollars for the club to use for other matters (including any improvements we wish for the boat)
  • Getting the boat found in time for the next big race, the Jim DePue, on February 28th.
  • The sense of satisfaction from having contributed further to the cause, having found the boat. (It should also be noted that I am a very big fan of PMYC, having grown up in the club and elated to be able to contribute to its betterment.)
Well, as it turned out, the overwhelming response was to check out this boat, because it MAY BE THE ONE!  I was thrilled at that response and it was decided (and arranged with the seller) to view it the coming Saturday (yesterday, as I write this).

Colleen (my daughter) had a practice competition for her Destination Imagination team (another time, perhaps I'll explain), so I decided to skip the boat viewing, as a bunch of other members of the committee were also going out there (and, as proud as I am of my club, Colleen's got it beat by a MILE).  

That evening, I sent an email out, asking how it went.  Well, the owner agreed to a reduced price (saving even MORE money) and now Andy will present it to the club's Board on Tuesday...given that it got raves from all in attendance AND is considerably less money than budgeted, it seems highly likely that it will sail through approval and by midweek, it will be the club's new RC boat!

In case you hadn't gathered, especially given all the exclamation points and all caps words, I'm VERY excited about this. 

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